Math Skills Review for April (Theme: Spring) - NO PREP

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This NO PREP packet has a lot of FUN and engaging activities to keep kids learning and reviewing skills during the month of APRIL...with a SPRING theme! You do not need to laminate, prep or use any color ink! These activities are perfect for morning work, math centers, homework folders and more!
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Skills Included: 
2 digit addition (worksheets for 'no carry' and 'carry') 2 digit addition word problems 2 digit subtraction (worksheets for 'no borrow' and 'borrowing') Mixed addition/subtraction word problems (some worksheets designed in 'test prep' format) Find the missing addend and subtrahend worksheets 3 digit addition (worksheets for 'no carry' and 'carry') Even/Odd identification Roman numerals (I, V, X, L) - identification, conversion, addition Critical Thinking skill worksheets Order of Operations Place Value: Building 3 and 4 digit numbers / Expanding numbers Skip Counting by 50, 100, 250 Rounding to the nearest 10 and nearest 100 Telling time: nearest hour, half hour, 5 minutes and minutes Counting coins Fractions: identifying, comparing and naming Equivalent Fractions Multiplication: Writing equations Multiplication: 1-12 Multiplication word problems Division word problems Measurement: Reading a ruler Geometry: Shape identification (cone, cube, pyramid, sphere, pentagon, rectangular prism Geometry: Vertices, faces, sides, edges Geometry: Finding the perimeter

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